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What is it you do?
The title agent has several responsibilities within a sale. First, we do the title search, which ensures to all parties that the seller has title to the property. Second, we write title insurance for the lender and the buyer. Third, we conduct the closing. Scout Title also has a fourth job. We think of ourselves as the “quarterback” of the transaction – we try to anticipate problems and solve them before they derail the closing.
My neighbor said I don’t need title insurance. Is he right?
The short answer is no. The long answer is that in this day and age, there are new scams and frauds being invented every day. Without title insurance, victims of these types of crimes face significant financial loss.
But my lender bought title insurance. Why do I need it?
Your lender’s policy only protects your lender. To protect yourself, you need an owner’s policy.
My lender chose a title agency. Do I have to use them?
No. You have the right to choose where to buy your title insurance and who conducts your closing. You deserve the best. Contact us, and we’ll coordinate with your lender to take care of your closing.

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